Responding to Electrical Emergencies
First Responder Critical
Incident Guide
August Vernon
SKU 193223523X $25.00
First Responder Critical Incident Guide identifies key functions that are essential for first responders (Fire, EMS, Law Enforcement, Special Teams, Military, etc.) during the first 10–30 minutes of a “critical incident”. It addresses recognition, identification and response issues that first responders must deal with prior to the arrival of those with specialized training and equipment.
Bottle Bombs
Improvised Explosive Devices
Vehicle Borne improvised Explosive Device (VBIED)
Continued IED Threat / Attack
Suspicious Powders / Substances Indicators and Response
Clandestine Drug Labs
Indoor Marijuana Grow Operations
Civil Urest Planning and Response
Mass Shooting / Active Shooter
Fire/EMS Scene Safety at Scenes of Violence
Suicide Bomber
Bomb Threats
Explosives Post-Blast Response
Operations Security